-Dragging Left/Right Click on the colored grid adjusts the input

- A small latency exists between input change and rendering, please be patient

-20 MB model is downloaded when you open the page for the first time, on slow network, first rendering could be delayed for this reason. 

-Delay sometime leads to BINDING ABORTION or PARTIAL TRANSFER - Check Browser Network & Refresh the page. Shards are cached invidually, on refresh only failed download are triggered.

Low-Tech AI - Free Soft - https://gitlab.com/Raymondaud.Q/kerascript
Model trained by P.Turcotte : https://gitlab.com/uapv-ceri-m1-projet-groupe3/ml-gan-emojis

Development log


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This is cool


Thanks for your comment despite the worst UI ever ahaha :D !

The integration has been done very fast, you can play with input management to gain in "quality" & You can easily integrate any small Keras nn model  to web app by understanding the source code which is relatively simple :D


how did you train this?

(1 edit)

It's not me. Link in description ...

It's just a simple GAN trained for generating emoji on a noise input... 

Doing that with word embeddings will be funnier